Dawn’s Rise


Dawn’s Rise: Brooklynn DelaPeña, Katorah K: 9781522919537 …

This is the book that inspired me to write a book and start a blog.  This book is about a wolf girl who does not know what side to fight for. (I don’t want to spoil the rest)

This is a great book written by Brooklynn DelaPeña. I recommend it for ages 9-12.


I am an artist. I don’t care if it is doodling, painting, or even spray painting. You might not even realize it, but, you use art every day! Have you ever painted a house, played with clay, or doodled in a notebook? Those are all types of art. Even cooking is a type of art! You can’t hate art because you use it every day. So, try drawing something, painting something, or doodling. You might be bad at it but, pretty good chance you will be awesome, at it! imgres.jpg

How I got started

I was inspired to write my first book after I read an article of a twelve year-old publishing a book. How were you? Just think, whether you create a recipe, write a book, or start a blog, you could inspire someone to do something great.